Monday, August 25, 2014

School Organizer

I'm an organizer. Everything, from my showers to my classes, needs to put on a calendar, or I'll end up panicking and getting nothing done. And as someone who has always found school agendas (sold at local Targets or online) lacking, I went looking for the next best thing: an internet template. Well, imagine my horror when NOT A SINGLE THING specially made for school popped up.

So I made my own. I'm making this available for all to use, as I would hate for anyone to spend hours making their own when there's already one available.

Simply download this as an excel file and it will work.

1. Monthly calendar

2. 7 day 24 hour weekly schedule
3. Notes area

4. Capability to keep track of homework, studying, projects, and tests taking place on each day

Things to keep in mind when using this:

1. To change the year:

Select the JANUARY tab.

Change the year in the upper right corner.

You will have to go through and change the date written under the first Monday of each month, but the rest of the dates will change automatically.
I did not design the calendar in the upper left corner (that component was taken from another template that I found online). So, I'm can't guarantee that the dates will be correct for every year, but the dates are correct for the 2014-2015 school year.

2. Navigating:
Click the weeks to jump to that part of the calendar.
Click anywhere on the "assignments" bar to jump back to the calendar in the upper right corner.
Use the arrows to jump from month to month.
OR click on the a month to jump to it quickly. 

3. To change the courses (which are currently random):

Find replace under the "edit" menu.

Enter each course under "find what" individually, then replace each one with a unique number. Make sure all the settings are exactly as depicted in the picture above.

Replace each number with the desired course. Make sure all the settings are exactly as depicted in the picture above.
I hope this is helpful for everyone needing a organizer specially made for school.

Please feel free to comment below if you need any help with anything. :)

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