Sunday, November 2, 2014

Shea Butter For Skin

Holy crap, this stuff is MAGICAL.

I have the worst skin. It's acne-ridden and constantly peeling. I have have to have lotion on 24/7 (literally, I need to put it on the second I get out of the shower or wash my hands), or it will start peeling. My hands, cheeks, and eyelids (I know, gross...) are the worst.

But, with the help of shea butter, this has stopped within THREE DAYS!!!

You need to get pure, unrefined, all-natural shea butter, which comes in a brick. It's very hard, so you need to break a bit off and melt it before using. Generally, I just run it under hot water, and that does the trick.

Ways to use shea:

1. Rub it underneath your eyes to get rid of dark circles within hours.
2. Rub it on your eyelids to get softer, smoother, (and in my case, non-peeling) skin.
3. Use an eyelash comb, clean mascara wand, or q-tip to apply to eyelashes before bed...this will promote eyelash growth.
4. Apply as a clear lip gloss for plumper, softer lips.
5. Apply as a lotion before going to bed (but note that it will probably make you greasy).
6. Rub on skin before getting out of the shower and rinse off as a "skin conditioner."
7. Apply to underarms and discolored skin to even out your skin tone.

These are all ways that I have personally used shea successfully. There's a whole heap load of success stories out there with a million other ways to use it...some people apply it on their eyelids for a more defined color when using make up, others find it useful to use it on their hair, etc.

Let me know in the comments below if you choose to use shea and tell me how it worked out for you. I look forward to your responses. :)

Products I use:
***Note that there ARE cheaper versions out there. I chose this one because it comes in a brick, and not as a paste, so I know for a fact that it is not altered in any way.

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